Euro-Asian Conference on Sustainable Nanotechnology, Environment, & Energy

The Euro-Asia Conference on Sustainable Nanotechnology, Environment, and Energy (SNE2-2024) is a international event scheduled for 3rd-4th October, 2024. This conference will convene preeminent scientists, researchers, industry experts, and policymakers from India and Europe, focusing on the intersection of nanotechnology, environmental sustainability, and energy solutions. The event aims to foster interdisciplinary collaboration, promote cutting-edge research, and facilitate the practical application of scientific discoveries to address global challenges.


Conference Vision and Mission

The vision of SNE2 is to leverage the potential of nanotechnology to develop sustainable solutions that can mitigate environmental and energy-related issues. The mission is to bring together diverse expertise and perspectives, encouraging innovative approaches and actionable outcomes that contribute to global sustainability goals.

Knowledge Exchange: To facilitate the dissemination of the latest research findings and technological advancements.

Collaboration: To promote partnerships between academia, industry, and government entities.

Innovation Showcase: To provide a platform for showcasing innovative technologies and products.

Policy Development: To discuss and formulate policies that support sustainable nanotechnology applications.


Importance of Nanotechnology in Sustainability


Nanotechnology, characterized by its ability to manipulate materials at the nanoscale, offers revolutionary possibilities across various fields. Its applications in creating eco-friendly materials, improving energy efficiency, and reducing environmental impact are particularly promising. SNE2 will explore these possibilities, emphasizing their alignment with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as clean energy (SDG 7), innovation (SDG 9), and climate action (SDG 13).

Moreover, this conference aims to bring together experts from various academic institutions, industries, and research organizations nationwide to share knowledge, expertise, and experience in the emerging fields of material science, engineering, and technology. The related paper with in this scope will be submitted to this VSI of JMMM. Guest editorial team will send invitation email to the potential authors for consideration to submit a manuscript to this VSI. We expected 20-25 accepted paper will be collected in this issue.


The guest editorial team, which is led by Prof. Jagpreet Singh would like to invite high-quality papers for submission at the Journal of Metals, Materials, Minerals (JMMM) journal.


More information on the conferences can be found at




            This Virtual Special Issue (VSI) aims to publish the original, critical review and high-quality scientific articles containing significant results in new technologies across all fields of “Sustainable Nanotechnology, Environment, & Energy”.

The Guest Editors (GEs) welcome the submission of original research articles and critical review articles from disciplines including, but not limited to:

  • Development of eco-friendly nanomaterials
  • Nanotechnology for pollution control, waste management, water purification, and air quality improvement
  • Regulatory and safety issues in nanomaterial use
  • Reducing environmental footprint of nanotechnology
  • Nanotech solutions for climate change
  • Case studies on nanotechnology in environmental remediation
  • Renewable energy applications of nanotechnology (solar, wind, bioenergy)
  • Advanced energy storage solutions (batteries, supercapacitors)
  • Nanomaterials for improved energy conversion efficiency
  • Sustainable manufacturing practices in the energy sector


To submit and for further details; please contact:

Managing Guest Editor (MGE):


Prof. Jagpreet Singh

Assistant Director, Research Publications

Rayat Bhara University, Mohali , Punjab, India
Tel: +91-8360465146


Guest Editors (GEs):


Given Name*




Institutional Email Address*




Rayat Bhara University, Mohali , Punjab, India

Department of Research



Daniela Šojić


University of Novi Sad Trg, Dositeja Obradovića 3, SERBIA

Faculty of Sciences

Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection




Submission Instructions:

For further details; please refer to

or contact the managing guest editor;

Prof. Jagpreet Singh ( ).


Important Dates:


Author Invitation Date *

·   The date on which author invitations were or will be sent

5 August  2024


Date the first submission is expected*

·   submission portal will be open from this date

25 September 2024


Manuscript Submission Deadline *

·   The date by which all manuscripts should have been submitted to the Guest Editors for evaluation

The submission portal will be closed simultaneously

30 January 2025


Editorial Acceptance Deadline *

·   The date by which all manuscripts should be fully reviewed, and all final decisions have been made

April 30, 2025