
The 4th Thailand Biorefinery Symposium 2024 (TBioS-4) : “Advance material for environmental benign catalysis"

Catalyst materials are an important factor in chemicals industry. The catalyst controls the reaction pathway to form desired product as well as accelerate the chemical reaction with resulting to increase the production rate.

The 4th Thailand Biorefinery Symposium 2024 (TBioS-4) will be held at Khon Kaen, Thailand in June 13-14, 2024. The symposium aims to bring together researchers and professionals to share their experience and knowledge on thermochemical and biochemical conversion approaches. The conference provides an interdisciplinary platform for material science professionals, researchers, academicians, and industrial practitioners to present and discuss the recent developments and innovations in the field, opportunities, and practical challenges, solutions adopted, etc, in the field of biofuels and applications in various sectors. The catalytic process will take a part in thermochemical conversion in the valorization of biomass. The related paper with in this scope will be submitted to this VSI of JMMM.

Moreover, Advance Material and Characterization (AMC2024) will be also organized at Bangkok in July 24-26, 2024. The conference scope is an application of advance materials especially catalyst and green material. The paper in this session will be submit to this VSI.

Beside both conferences, guest editorial team will send invitation email to the potential authors for consideration to submit a manuscript to this VSI. We expected 15-20 accepted paper will be collected in this issue.


The guest editorial team which lead Associate Professor Chanatip Samart would like to invite high-quality papers for submission at the Journal of Metals, Materials, Minerals (JMMM) journal.


More information on the conferences can be found at

TBioS-4: https://sites.google.com/view/thailand-biorefinery-symposium/home

AMC2024: https://amc2024.sglabconference.com



This Virsual Special Issue (VSI) aims to publish the original, critical review and high-quality scientific articles containing significant results in the area of new technologies across all fields of “Advance material for environmental benign catalysts”.

The Guest Editors (GEs) welcome the submission of original research articles and critical review articles from disciplines including, but not limited to:


  1. Thermo-, electro, photo- catalytic process in green chemistry
  2. Catalysis for pollution control
  3. Catalysis for renewable energy production
  4. Catalysis for CO2 conversion
  5. Catalysis for sustainable fuel


To submit and for further details; please contact:

Managing Guest Editor (MGE):

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chanatip Samart

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Thammasat University
Klongnung, Klongluang
Pathumtani 12120, Thailand
Tel: +66 (0) 81-562-1862
E-mail: chanatip@tu.ac.th  

Guest Editors (GEs):



Given Name*




Institutional Email Address*




Thammasat University

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science





Rangsit University

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science



Le Kim Hoang


Nguyen That Tan University

Institute of Applied Technology and Sustainable Development,




Submission Instructions:

For further details; please refer to


or contact the managing guest editor;

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chanatip Samart (chanatip@tu.ac.th).


Important Dates:


Author Invitation Date *

·    The date on which author invitations were or will be sent

15 June 2024


Date the first submission is expected*

·    submission portal will be open from this date

30 June 2024


Manuscript Submission Deadline *

·    The date by which all manuscripts should have been submitted to the Guest Editors for evaluation

The submission portal will be closed simultaneously

31 December 2024


Editorial Acceptance Deadline *

·    The date by which all manuscripts should be fully reviewed, and all final decisions have been made

March 31, 2025