The Effect of Strain Rate on Mechanical Properties in Microalloyed Steels, Grade S 315 MC and S 460 MC


  • Elena Čižmárova Department of Materials Science, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University
  • Zdeňka Jeníková Department of Materials Science, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University


microalloyed steel, mechanical properties, strain rate


The influence of strain rate on the mechanical properties of microalloyed steels for cold drawing grades S 315 MC and S 460 MC was investigated. It has been shown that strain rates in the range from 10-3  to 1 s-1 did not significantly influence the mechanical properties. Significant strengthening was provided at strain rates exceeding 2 s-1. It has been also shown that the basic mechanical properties of the cold worked tested steels in the extent from 5 to 25 % were not influenced by pre-strain with strain rates from 10-3 to 103 s-1. It is supposed according to the results, that the susceptibility to cold work of these steels was not influenced greaty by the strain rates usually used for cold work (less than 1 s-1) and that the products after cold work maintain their mechanical properties.


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How to Cite

E. Čižmárova and Z. Jeníková, “The Effect of Strain Rate on Mechanical Properties in Microalloyed Steels, Grade S 315 MC and S 460 MC”, J Met Mater Miner, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 31–37, Aug. 2022.



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