DC Conductivity of Heavy Metal Oxide (Bi2O3) Boro-Tellurite Glasses: Effect of Eu2O3
Boro-bismuth-tellurite glass, Scanning electron microscope, Microstructure, DC conductivity, Arrhenius behavior, Bioactive glassesAbstract
A novel investigation on structural and DC conductivity of Eu2O3 activated heavy metal oxide boro-tellurite (BBTE) glasses were analyzed. The boro-bismuth-tellurite glass samples doped with europium trioxide were fabricated by the conventional melt quenching method. The microstructural and structural studies of the glasses have been done by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD), respectively. The DC conductivity of the BBTE samples has been studied at the frequency range 40Hz-6MHz and in the temperature range 303-453K. The XRD and SEM, confirm the non-crystalline and homogeneous properties of prepared glasses. The DC conductivity of glasses obeys Arrhenius behavior and DC conductivity decreases with increasing Eu2O3 concentration. A very less amount of DC conductivity was noticed in glasses with various temperatures and it is due to less availability of oxide ions.
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