Durability of precast prestressed concrete pile in exposure severe environment


  • Nantawat KHOMWAN Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at Kamphaeng Saen, Kasetsart University, Nakhon Pathom 73140, Thailand
  • Pinai MUNGSANTISUK Thai Marine Protection, 555/8 Moo12, Tambon Bangphasi, Amphoe Bang Len, Nakhon Pathom, 73130, Thailand




Durability, Corrosion, Precast Prestressed Concrete Pile, sacrificial anode


This research project focuses on studying the corrosion resistance of precast prestressed concrete (PC) piles under severe conditions. All PC and non-PC samples were cast using Portland cement type III. The samples included 1 m and 6 m length specimens. To evaluate the effectiveness of corrosion prevention, Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection (SACP) was installed in the specimens. Various durability properties of concrete were tested, including chloride permeability, concrete resistivity, and half-cell potential. For short-term effects, an electrical accelerated condition was conducted for the 1 m specimens, which were submerged in a 5% sodium chloride solution by weight. Experimental studies were carried out to evaluate the 100 mV polarization shift criterion for confirming the effectiveness of SACP in arresting the progress of corrosion in steel. In addition, for long-term effects and under more realistic conditions, 6 m full-scale PC specimens were installed in a high salinity area to evaluate durability and corrosion behavior. Four different types of sacrificial anodes were used to evaluate durability and corrosion behavior, and corrosion current assessments were closely monitored. The findings from these studies provide vital parameters for the repair and maintenance process, with the aim of minimizing structural loss. The results of this study are intended to guide the decision-making process for developing effective repair strategies.


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How to Cite

N. KHOMWAN and P. MUNGSANTISUK, “Durability of precast prestressed concrete pile in exposure severe environment”, J Met Mater Miner, vol. 35, no. 1, p. e1917, Feb. 2025.



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