Petrographic analysis of ceramic artifacts from Ban Di kiln, Pattani province, Thailand


  • Wanwisa Dhanmanonda Prince of Songkla University
  • Prathana Hongrittipun Prince of Songkla University
  • Duangkamal Aussavamas Suan Dusit University


Petrography, Ceramic, Ban Di Kiln


This research paper aims to investigate the components of archaeological ceramic artifacts collected from Ban Di kiln, Pattani province, Thailand. The procedure involves the petrographic examination of fragments of ceramic artifacts, focusing on raw materials, sources of materials, and production techniques. Ban Di ceramics date back to 16th and 17th centuries, the period in which ancient Patani had enjoyed its prosperity in domestic and foreign trade. This study shows that alluvial soils from coastal plains, with high content of sand, are predominant materials in the manufacture. The production process involves jiggering and hot pressing at the firing temperatures between 400-550 ºC.




Wanwisa Dhanmanonda, Prince of Songkla University

Department of History


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