Dependence of electrical resistivity on plastic deformation in copper-aluminum alloy Cu0.975Al0.025


  • J.G. Miranda Ramos San Marcos University
  • E. Medrano Atencio San Marcos University
  • M. Quiroga Agurto San Marcos University
  • F.A. Reyes Navarro San Marcos University


We measure changes of electrical resistivity after a plastic deformation. We supposed that the changes are due to a large density of dislocation present in the polycrystalline samples; therefore, we also measure the amount of dislocations after the plastic deformation. Thus, for our aim, we elaborated copper-aluminum alloys Cu0.975Al0.025; next, with them, we fabricated metallographic specimens, which were submitted to traction subsequently. We measured the electrical resistivity before and after the traction. The obtained results are discussed in a theoretical framework of dislocations.


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J. Miranda Ramos, E. Medrano Atencio, M. Quiroga Agurto, และ F. Reyes Navarro, “Dependence of electrical resistivity on plastic deformation in copper-aluminum alloy Cu0.975Al0.025”, J Met Mater Miner, ปี 26, ฉบับที่ 2, ม.ค. 2017.



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