Tribological behavior of austenitic stainless steel and vanadium carbide coated by TRD process


  • Chanchou Lertlummeechai Graduate student, Department of Metallurgy Engineering
  • Prasonk Sricharoenchai Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University


Austenitic stainless steel, Adhesion, Vanadium carbide, TRD process


In forming austenitic stainless steel sheet, galling is the major cause of tool steels failure. Coating on tool surface is an effective way to lessen galling tendency. In this paper, vanadium carbide coating by TRD process was conducted on tool steel and intentionally tempered in air to produce thicker vanadium oxide on vanadium carbide surface. Ring-on-disc wear test was conducted by sliding with austenitic stainless steel ring to investigate tribological behavior. Weight of ring was measured before and after wear tests. Chemical composition of ring surface was cross-section analyzed by EPMA. Surface of the disc was analyzed by XPS. Wear test results show that weight loss of stainless steel increases with increasing normal load from 120 N till 320 N. EPMA analysis results of cross-section of stainless steel ring show that ring surface contains more Cr content than Fe content in surface oxide in specimen with 120 N load while more Fe content than Cr content is shown in that with 320 N load. XPS analysis of disc surface shows V2O5 and VO2 on VC coating surface before wear test. Both Cr rich oxide on stainless steel surface and vanadium penta-oxide are thought to contribute to less adhesion of stainless steel on VC coated disc.


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C. Lertlummeechai และ P. Sricharoenchai, “Tribological behavior of austenitic stainless steel and vanadium carbide coated by TRD process”, J Met Mater Miner, ปี 22, ฉบับที่ 1, มิ.ย. 2012.



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