Synthesis of aligned carbon nanotubes by floating catalyst method using ferrocene


  • R Ravindra Catalysis and Materials Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology Karnataka
  • Badekai Ramachandra Bhat Catalysis and Materials Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology Karnataka


Aligned carbon nanotubes, floating catalyst method, ferrocene, double stage CVD


The aligned carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been synthesised by floating catalyst method using ferrocene as catalyst precursor and acetylene as carbon precursor. The reaction was carried out at 850°C in double stage chemical vapor deposition (CVD) apparatus. The grown aligned CNTs were purified by air oxidation and acid treatment method. The aligned CNTs were characterised by using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The purity of CNTs was determined by Thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction method. The average diameter of aligned CNTs were around 20nm. This process not only produces aligned CNTs but also avoids the preparation of metal catalyst. The advantage of this method is simple and use of low cost precursors to produce high purity aligned CNTs.


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R. Ravindra และ B. R. Bhat, “Synthesis of aligned carbon nanotubes by floating catalyst method using ferrocene”, J Met Mater Miner, ปี 21, ฉบับที่ 2, ธ.ค. 2011.



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