Mineralogical characterization of Pozuzo District's soils through physical techniques


  • Maria Luisa Cerón Loayza Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Jorge Aurelio ฺBravo Cabrejos Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Felipe Américo Reyes Navarro Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos


X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, Mössbauer spectroscopy, Iron oxides


We introduce a study on soils in three different fields of plantations in Pozuzo District, Oxapampa province, Peru. Two of the fields are cultivated and the third one has a degradation problem. In situ, in all, we collected 29 samples in the three plantations. We utilized analytical and physical techniques, namely, energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffractometry, and transmission Msbauer spectroscopy; we complemented our research with a physical-chemical analysis to determine texture, pH, content of organic matter and cation interchange capacity. For all analyzed samples, the results of the analysis by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence show the presence of the following elements: Si, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr and Zr. By X-ray diffractometry, we observe the structural phases associated with quartz, montmorillonite, illite, microcline, kaolinite, muscovite, and iron oxides such as goethite and hematite. By using transmission Msbauer spectroscopy, we observe the presence of magnetic sextets assigned to Fe3+ from hematite ; doublets associated with Fe3+ and Fe2+, respectively, localized in illite and/or interstratified montmorillonite; similarly, we observe other states attributed to a Fe3+ site. The results of the physical-chemical analyses of the plantations are of great importance to determine the soil conditions. Furthermore, a low level of organic matter is observed with a pH ranging from 4.6 to 6.0, what limits the nutrient absorption by the plants.


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Maria Luisa Cerón Loayza, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

She is the main author. She is a professor in Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, and she works many years ago in the Laboratory of Soils of the university already mentioned.

Jorge Aurelio ฺBravo Cabrejos, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

He is a doctor in Physics, head of office of Laboratory of Soils in Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos


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M. L. Cerón Loayza, ฺBravo Cabrejos J. A. ., และ F. A. Reyes Navarro, “Mineralogical characterization of Pozuzo District’s soils through physical techniques”, J Met Mater Miner, ปี 23, ฉบับที่ 2, ธ.ค. 2013.



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