The finished polyester fabric with hot NH4OH pretreatment and mixed ZnO-Zn(OH)2 nanoparticles for hydrophobic property
The finished polyester fabric, Hot NH4OH pretreatment, Mixed Zn(OH)2/ZnO nanoparticles, Hydrophobic propertyบทคัดย่อ
This work aims to modify the hydrophobic coated polyester fabrics using 2%w/v ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH) at 90℃ prior and subsequently dipped in two difference aqueous zinc solution batchs containing 0.6%w/v zinc precursors with/without starch and NH4OH, finally dehydration, and characterized by the attenuated total reflection - Fourier transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy (Raman), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM), Energy dipersive spectrometry (EDX), and Water contact angle (WCA) of 10 mL dropping at 23℃ and humidity of 63%. Raman spectra and XRD patterns results showed e-zinc hydroxide (e-Zn(OH)2), zinc oxide nanoparticle (ZnO NP) and ZnO-starch nanocomposite crystallized in the orthorhombic and hexagonol wurzite structure, respectively. The increasing intensities of Raman vibrational modes at 369 cm-1 and 750 cm-1 confirmed the increased of e-Zn(OH)2 content with additional starch, therefore, WCA trend of those finished fabric surfaces decreased. WCA optimum of 138° before washing and 136° after 5 washing cycles of the treated fabric which was activated by NH4OH acts as scourer and also as promoter of e-Zn(OH)2/ZnO NPs as revealed from ATR-FTIR result. While, other observed lower hydrophobic property after 5 washing cycles due to the hydroplilic ZnO-starch nanocomposite.e-Zn(OH)2/ZnO NPs. While others, there were observed lower hydrophobic property after 5 washing cycles due to the hydroplilic ZnO-starch nanocomposite.
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