Research progress of novel zirconium alloys with high strength and toughness
Zirconium alloy, High strength and toughness, Corrosion resistance, Mechanical propertiesAbstract
Atoms of zirconium (Zr) are often known as "first metals of the atomic age". Because of its low cross section for thermal neutron absorption, excellent corrosion resistance, and good mechanical and processing properties, it is extensively used in the nuclear industry. As the properties requirements of materials in chemical, medical and aerospace fields turn out to be higher, the application of Zr alloys in these non-nuclear fields has become more and more widespread due to their excellent properties. In addition to having a high melting point, Zr alloys also have a high specific strength and low thermal expansion coefficient. Therefore, Zr alloys have a very promising application in corrosion-resistant structural materials. This paper mainly introduces the development status of Zr alloys, the design and optimization of Zr alloy compositions, the mechanism of Zr alloy toughening and the prospects of Zr alloy applications in various fields.
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